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About Me


Of course, there is the basic information – a 23 year old who grew up, lived and worked in the United Kingdom, France and Singapore. With roles such as Deputy Chief of Staff at Douge International, and Junior Consultant at Crafton. But that is not what defines a person, and more importantly, does not help a lot, when trying to get an idea of a person.


For example, while my CV does mention an exchange year in Singapore, it does not talk about the plenty of things I learned about the different cultural and business perspectives. Nor does it mention how I capitalized on the opportunity to gain more experience and travelled to neighbouring countries, and only briefly mentions my volunteering there.


My experience in executive recruitment, showed me just how vital the personality of a candidate can be, alongside their technical competencies, when considering whether they would be a good fit for the company.



So, who is Georgiy?



  • Someone who greatly values the importance of perspective

Having grown up, lived and worked in many countries, I intuitively think about other ways to view or perceive a situation, be it a project, problem or a solution to it.



  • Someone who will stand by his values

With curiosity, integrity and virtue, being especially close to my heart.



  • Someone who will cheer you up

I know how big of a part motivation plays in a team dynamic, and will always try to bring genuine enthusiasm to everything I do.



  • Someone who will always try to find an efficient way of doing a task

One of the reasons I value perspective, is that it allows you to find ways of performing better and faster without sacrificing quality.



  • Someone with immense passion for new technology

I’m always fascinated by ways new innovative technology can improve our lives.

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